Prince: His Life In the Afterworld

Prince at Last Concert In Atlanta

We Chat About Prince: His Music, Last Days, and Current Life in the Afterworld

What has Prince Rogers Nelson been up to in the Afterworld? This installment of Odddio goes a little off the beaten path to explore the answer to that question. The episode starts off with the spoken lyrics to “7.” We then take a deep dive, to discuss the music of Prince, his legacy, growing mythology, and get a glimpse into his life in the afterworld.

Three years since the reported death of Prince, there remain many unanswered questions, and conspiracy theories, around the circumstances of his transition.

Prince Rogers Nelson would have been 61 years old this past June 7th.

His appeal was, and still is, seemingly universal. It defies genres, and generations. People from almost every walk of life gravitated to the essence of who he was: a musical genius who was respected by peers and audiences alike, called the Mozart of his generation, and revered by fans.

Since his death a number of psychics and mediums claim that he has been reaching out from the Afterworld.

There is also a haunting photograph of Prince wearing a shirt that features the Eternal Prince Avatar. In the photo he sits at a piano, and has a series of avatars…behind him, symbolizing the many phases of his career. He stares intently into the camera. Fans have pointed out that the picture may have been a self portrait…. A picture that shows that his career was behind him, and the knew he was leaving this reality soon.

Ife Oshun
Prince sits at his piano

We focus on the messages of four psychics / mediums who channeled him:

“‘I had to fight for my life. I remember hearing your voices from afar and saying to myself, ‘Follow the voices, follow the voices, get back in your body, you gotta to do this.’ And he said it was the hardest thing he’d ever done, to get back into his body like that.”

Prince (after being hospitalized on April 15, 2016) – New York Times


Episode References:

Full Transcript

Google these names and/or phrases:

  • Metatron
  • Pleiadian 
  • Amanda Ellis
  • Sloan Bell
  • chemtrail

Odddio Theme Song Credit: “Trans My Gray Shun” – T.Blackett, I. Oshun (TBlack Productions, Papa Grace

Tony Blackett: Chemtrails and Atmospheric Conspiracy Theories

Plane with Chemtrails

We Chat with Musician, Producer Tony Blackett About Music, Chemtrails, and Sky Phenomena

Tony Blackett has two featured songs in this episode. He is the co-writer of “Trans My Gray Shun” (the Odddio theme song) and he also wrote and produced “Open Water,” heard at the top of the episode. His eclectic, unpredictable drum and bass accompanies the discussion about chemtrails and weird stuff in the sky.

Ife Oshun interviews musician/producer Tony Blackett, and they discuss chemtrails conspiracy theory, and unusual sky phenomena. Blackett’s work includes the Odddio theme song “Trans My Gray Shun” (co-written with Oshun) and we also hear a second instrumental, drum and bass piece called “Open Water.” Blackett also talks about how chemtrails fit into the alleged climate control and offers historical examples of geoengineering.

As part of T-Black Productions, musician/vocalist/producer/educator Tony Blackett has become a sought-after creative element for projects both live and recorded. An integral member of reggae band The Mystic Jammers and founder/Lead vocalist and keyboardist for award-winning reggae band, Dub Squad.

Google these names and/or phrases:

  • Kristin Megan
  • Operation Popeye
  • Ho hi Minh Trail
  • Geoengineering
  • climate engineering

Tony Blackett on Instagram

Odddio Theme Song Credit: “Trans My Gray Shun” – T.Blackett, I. Oshun (TBlack Productions, Papa Grace